I Kissed An Angel....

Today I kissed an angel
I knew it from the start
The first time my angel smiled at me
I gave away my heart

Today I kissed an angel
this angel child of mine
Though not of my creation
my child by God's design

Today I kissed an angel
my heart is dancing wild,
A family by a miracle
blessed by this angel child.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Our sweetie is doing very well, and very busy exploring everything around the house. She is going to definitely be walking very soon (thank goodness, with two dogs in the house~ it's takes an effort to keep her somewhat clean!)

We are all ready for Santa, and are VERY excited for it, Maelin doesn't know what to think yet of the Christmas tree!

She is cutting ALOT of teeth at once (no fun for her), but she seems to be doing not too bad with it (thank god for oragel though....)

We've been so busy with her, we've kind of forgot to do an update on this blog, we can't seem to post on our newest blog (Our Miracle Maelin), and haven't figured out why yet, so I guess we'll continue with this one. Our next post will likely be after Santa comes to the house!!! Merry Christmas every one!!!


geminirn said...

We enjoyed our visit today,Meilin is soooo precious and thanks once again for the beautiful gifts.

Darrel and Karen said...

It is sooo great to see and update... We'll have to get together soon.